Questions often asked of a search engine optimisation company

As a company we are often asked the same questions about our SEO services, we are more than happy to give frank and honest answers and if you are considering using a SEO company for any work I would suggest you prepare some questions of your own, there is also a good article on how to find a search engine optimisation company.


Well here are the answers to some of the more common questions we get, my contact details are to the right of this text so if you have any questions please let me know.


After we have agreed to work together how long would it take before we are list on the front page of search engines (especially Google)



This is a difficult question to answer accurately, but you should be looking at between 3 6 months this could change depending on your competition and the age or design of your site and obviously how competitive the keywords are you need to focus on.



Is it an ongoing process or a one off ‘job’?



This is going to be an ongoing process, the first part of the process it getting you into the positions you want, the next is keeping you there and the third is repeating the process for more terms, so you get the most from your market.



If it’s ongoing what is the term of the contract?



The contract is open ended as we look to grow the site as the business grows, if you wish to cancel at any point then it is just 3 month notice, this is because we will often work more than the allotted number of hours a month, but we do not go more than the equivalent of 3 months over your hours.



As this is literally a results driven process – do we have to pay if you don’t achieve the required results?



I am sorry but it is difficult to enter into this sort of agreement, there are a number of things that you as the site owner will need to do to ensure the site does well in the search engines, and we have no control over our recommendations being put into action.


Also it is very easy for SEO companies to get a site to the top of the search engines very quickly, they then take the payment and when the search engines ban the site a few month later they are long gone.


We guarantee our results by only charging a monthly fee, if you are not happy you can walk away but it is in our interest to keep you as a client.


I hope this answers your questions I have been honest in my assessments and have only discussed time-scales I feel are realistic.


If you have any other questions or need anything clarifying let me know, my contact details are at the side of this page.

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